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Perspektif Hukum dalam Keterbukaan, Transparansi, Proporsional, dan Penegakan Hukum pada Kontrak Pengadaan Barang dan jasa Pemerintah

This research examines the legal perspective on openness, transparency, proportionality and law enforcement in contracts for the procurement of government goods and services. Implementing the principles of openness and transparency is key in maintaining a fair and open procurement process. The principle of proportionality plays an important role in balancing government objectives with the rights and obligations of providers of goods and services. The principles of openness and transparency need to be implemented carefully in the process of procuring government goods and services in order to gain public trust. Apart from that, the principle of proportionality in contracts for the procurement of government goods and services needs to be taken into account in order to achieve a balance between the government and providers of goods and services. In the event that a dispute occurs in a contract for the procurement of government goods and services, it can be resolved using 4 methods, namely through contact dispute resolution services, arbitration, construction dispute council, or through court. This research uses legal research methods using a statutory regulation approach and a conceptual approach. This research aims to explore the principles of openness, transparency, the principle of proportionality, and law enforcement of contracts for the procurement of government goods and services from a legal perspective.

Open Access
Key Issues of NFT (Non-Fungible Token): How Transfer of Copyright Should Adapt?

Non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs, are a special kind of digital record of ownership that is utilized in a certain manner to guarantee validity and uniqueness of intangible goods. Due to its features, NFTs become interesting among art creators and even asset collector. Transactions on NFT create incredible values, which raises a number of legal issues, particularly in the realm of intellectual property rights related to copyright. This research aims to explains the connection between the existence of NFT and current copyright law in Indonesia focusing on the ownership and transfer of rights from the purchasing of NFTs. The author will try to compare on other jurisdictions (Ireland & Germany) concerning the copyright legal framework. Furthermore, the practice by licensing method in current NFTs marketplace will also be demonstrate through this paper. The research methodology employed is a normative juridical approach with an analytical and descriptive research design. Based on the research conducted, there is still a legal gap in Indonesian copyright law, particularly in the realm of NFTs and the idea of droit de suite, which has existed in intellectual property right concept globally. Finally, this paper will present several recommendations for the government and other relevant stakeholders upon NFTs transactions.

Open Access
Ratio Legis Kewenangan Diskresioner Kementerian Kesehatan Terkait Regulasi Komersialisasi Vaksin Gotong Royong Corona Virus Disease- 2019 (COVID-19)

Regulation of the Minister of Health the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 of 2021 on Changes to the Regulation of the Minister of Health the Republic of Indonesia No. 10 of 2021 on the Implementation of Vaccination in the Framework of Prevention of Coronavirus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19) as a reference for the implementation of vaccination programs led to a research analysis on the ratio legis of the regulation of commercialization of gotong royong vaccine for legal entities or business entities. Meanwhile, reviewed based on presidential Regulation No. 14 of 2021 on Changes to Presidential Regulation No. 99 of 2020 on Vaccine Procurement and Vaccination Implementation in the framework of Countering the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic 2019 (COVID-19) does not regulate the commercialization of gotong royong vaccine for legal entities or business entities so that the expansion of authority or discretion is seen from the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2021,  On the other hand, ministerial decisions that are beschikking / decree are reviewed based on the method of the legislative approach and the concept approach has exceeded the above regulations. The result of this study is that the ratio of legis to support the acceleration of pandemic response and the implementation of vaccination in the scope of force Majeure circumstances is required to assist legal entities, or business entities where it is regulated under the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia interpreted in Presidential Regulation 99 of 2020 Article 17 paragraph (1) letter b included in other sources of legitimate vaccine procurement funding.

Open Access

Indonesia as an archipelagic country consisting of large and small islands separated by the ocean with geographical conditions has a total area of ​​7,827,087 Km2 and is located in Equatorial emeralds have a wealth of abundant natural resources, especially in the sea ​​and coastal areas which cover of the territory of Indonesia (5.8 million Km2). Article 18 B paragraph (2) and Article 28 I paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia as the constitutional basis for recognition and protection the rights of indigenous peoples in coastal areas and small islands. Resource wealth nature in the form of coastal areas and small islands controlled and managed by the state tothe greatest prosperity of the people. State recognition of the existence of the legal community customs related to natural resources are inconsistent. The formulation of the problem from this research is (1) The legal construction of the Job Creation Law on the protection of customary law communities in the territory coast. (2) Implications of the Job Creation Law on the protection of customary law communities in the region coast. The research method in this writing is normative juridical. In summary, the result of In this research, the desired law is a law that provides protection against community members including customary law communities in coastal areas and islands small island, then an impartial legal instrument in the recognition of existence Indigenous Law Communities, for example in the Job Creation Law, which has not been in favor of Protection of Indigenous Peoples in Coastal Areas and Small Islands.

Open Access
Implikasi Pencegahan ke Luar Negeri bagi WNI yang Terlibat Persoalan Hukum berdasarkan Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia

The function and role of Indonesian immigration is to prevent, as a traffic controller people enter or leave the territory of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with what is stated in the Law Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration. This legal research focused on knowing the implications of prevention abroad for Indonesian citizens abroad based on a human rights perspective. The research method used is normative juridical. This research concludes that the regulations in Indonesia which regulate the prevention of Indonesian citizens abroad is in accordance with the values and norms contained in the in the state ideology, namely Pancasila and the state Constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution prevention carried out by immigration officers to people suspected of being involved in cases The law that will go outside the territory of the Indonesian state is in accordance with the applicable rules. Then related to prevention, it is also not a form of limiting human rights, because human rights are Indonesia is a human rights balance with its human obligations as a member of society. The use of human rights in Indonesia cannot be carried out without paying attention to human rights obligations, in other words, human rights cannot be used absolutely.

Open Access